Redefining the meaning of disease... Together!

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Redefining the meaning of disease... Together!



sample annotations
Samples annotated and validated

STAR provides a powerful search engine across samples, experiments, and attributes from GEO. In all, 1,614,641 digital samples described by 51,668,512 attributes that are drawn from 45,945 experiments described by 183,780 attributes are available.

STAR uses an annotation engine based on a semantic network of crowd-sourced tags that that represent biological annotations. In all, 1,077 tags have been used to make 42,920 annotations of digital experiments representing 3,037,500 annotations of digital samples.

STAR enables meta-analysis of digitally tagged samples for robust gene signatures using 0 gene probes across 3,349 platforms within GEO. In all 763 meta-analyses of standard fixed and random models have been run with corresponding Forrest plots available.

STAR represents an annotation layer built on open public data provided by GEO. It is provided as an open resource for the scientific community as a tool to derive robust gene signatures from public functional genomics data. Currently 73 users have contributed.

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UH2CA203792. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
The Search Tag Analyze Resource for the Gene Expression Omnibus (STARGEO) by Dexter Hadley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .